Tuesday, February 23, 2021

The Duke and I by Julia Quinn


I know it has been a while.  With half the school out on DL, the writing and recording of reviews seemed a bit futile.  However, after what transpired with this particular book...

To recap: first, in order for me to watch the movie (or TV show in this case), I have to read the book first.  Just a thing with me.  Second, you know I donate every book I buy and read to the WHHS Library.  Because I have been fighting, er, I mean, in aggressive negotiations with the DEVOS video server lately, my "to add to the Library circulation catalog" pile has gotten a bit large.  This was sitting on top.  THREE teachers walking by to use the faculty bathroom within my space asked about it.  Mrs. Poff actually got her hands on it, and took it to read over the long weekend.   

We know everyone is talking about the Bridgerton series on Netflix.  I haven't watched it yet, but I've heard the costuming and music are fantastic.  Yeah, let's be honest, everyone is talking about the "romantic" scenes.  I say romantic in quotes.  There's that ONE SCENE everyone has been discussing.    

This is typical "beach read": it's rather formulaic trashy romance set in the era of Dukes and Ladies and balls, etc.  Soap opera in a book type stuff, not exactly my cup of tea anyway.  I do not really think it would be such a bestseller had it not been for the show.  It's one of hundreds of the same.  If this is YOUR THING, I suggest you check out Christi Caldwell, whose real name is Christina Novak.  She graduated with me in 1998, and I have copy-edited a few of her books.  (Here's her website.  The first of her books I proofread is For Love of a Duke http://christicaldwell.com/books/#heartofaduke)

Now, Mrs. Poff just returned the book with an interesting review.  She has seen the show, and she gave it high marks.  But, she did not say the same for the book--that reading it wouldn't have led her to watch.  So I guess this is a case of the movie version actually being better than the book!

I'll be adding this to the collection as soon as I can get these DVD uploads into DEVOS done!

Remember that any opinions expressed on this blog or vlog are solely those of Mrs. W. 


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