Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Cabal of the Westford Knight by David S. Brody


If you've followed this blog for any length of time, you're aware of my Templars in American obsession.  My family roots start in Nova Scotia circa 1732, and I am absolutely convinced SOMETHING is buried on Oak Island (show returns in November!) near my family's former land. There are suspicions the Templars (via Henry Sinclair) traveled up and down the New England and Canadian Maritimes, leaving stone markers along for later explorations and possibly settlements.  This theory includes the Newport Tower.  Now, what's almost bizarre here is that I've chaperoned a bunch of trips to Newport which have included bus tours around the town and local history.  NEVER has any tour gone by or even mentioned the Tower.  

So, Mrs. Alissa Ficaro gave me this knowing my obsession, and my husband saw me reading it.  I got to visit the Tower this past Saturday as part of his surprise weekend!   

This is a fictional account of a lawyer representing an elderly couple from a "developer's" land grab.  The elderly couple's backyard is believed to be where Sinclair and his party camped in the small town of Westford.  If you aren't familiar with Westford and its claim to fame: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westford_Knight (Now, I've seen the Westford Knight and believe, but it is REALLY hard to see the knight's carving without the right light and a little imagination.).

What ensues is a cat and mouse game similar to The DaVinci Code through hidden and suppressed-by-the-church history, circling back through Jesus's blood line, the Holy Grail, the Templars, and early exploration of North America (why the Mikmak have red Templar crosses on their flags, why Columbus had red Templar flags on his ships, why many New England and Maritime Canadian tribes have light eyes and reddish hair...)

On the actual book, though, have to say I didn't like the ending.  Much like The DaVinci Code, the ending hasn't actually happened (we don't have any DNA proof of Jesus's bloodline or posses the Grail if it is really a cup or anything else that might be buried on Oak Island...yet), so that part is fictional.  And I really didn't like it!  However, I know it's a set up for the next book in the series.  I believe there are 7 or 8 at this time.  Thanks to Mrs. Ficaro who has donated the first four!

All opinions expressed on this blog are solely those of Mrs. W. 

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