I am really angry at this book. The book is 369 pages, and for the first 362 I really loved it. But as the last chapter approached, it became clear there was no way this could end in just 7 more pages. Sure enough, this is book 1 in a trilogy, and it left as a cliff hanger to boot! And the 3rd book hasn't been published yet!
Emilia and Vittoria are twin Sicilian sisters who are secretly witches. Their identity is known to other families with witches in the area, but to the run of the mill people, they are just the latest amazing cooks in their family's restaurant. As they reach adulthood, Vittoria is violently murdered in a monastery. Emilia of course sets herself to find the murderer and reason for her sister's death.
Enter Wicked, a dashing demon from Hell, one of 7 brothers tied to a deadly sin. Seems like Hell has a pretty strong battle going on for control.
More young adult female good witches are murdered. Wicked and Emilia make a shaky pact to find the murderer, likely 1 of his brothers.
Now, to be honest, there are a few trashy beach read romance novel scenes that are, in my view, eye roll worthy. Nothing is overly graphic, but there's a "no one actually talks or acts that way" scene I almost laughed at.
Combining all this I think makes the book very likable for many genre and topic fans--Italian heritage, white witchcraft, mythology, romance, supernatural romance, sisterhood, strong women (their grandmother is FIERCE!), and battles/fights.
Then the ending. Or lack thereof. I put book #2 on our wishlist. *Sigh* Any way, find this on display next week!
All opinions expressed on this blog are solely those of Mrs. W.