Personal Blog of Library Media Specialist Mrs. Woychowski
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Year of the Witching by Alexis Henderson
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Harley Merlin and the Secret Coven by Bella Forrest
Hello all. It seems we will definitely see each other in two weeks. There will be many changes, not all of which I am a fan of, but let us evaluate how things go once they start.
Today's review is for my next book club selection. A reminder this is only my 2nd book as a part of the group. I am hosting the gathering, and Ms. Corrado (that's Mrs. Paredes's secretary) is moderating the discussion. I believe she is who chose this novel.
Bella Forrest is a widely popular "author". I put the term in quotes because I don't think she's a real person. She has no biography, no back story, no social media presence outside publishing info. I am leaning toward "Bella Forrest" actually being several ghost writers in an anonymous group. The vast majority of "her" work is paranormal series in YA. This is listed as book 1 in a new serial, that of Harley Merlin.
In addition, I am thinking "her" works are based off fanfic ideas. There are several Twilight and Harry Potter connections that are too coincidental to be oops or common threads. I would also draw attention to the Skull and Bones (Yale) reference and how similar the Kid City in the novel is to the one in Middletown. A CT-based writer?
Plot-wise, this is base novel in that there is a LOT of description--this is X and her job is Y, this is A and his specialty is B. Introductory stuff to lay a foundation. In short, the long lost last descendant of Merlin was hidden at birth and now finds herself part of a secret society of witches and warlocks looking for another long lost witch out for world domination. Where have we heard this before? Yeahhhhhh. Looking at you Voldie.
Decent enough, but I have no intention of picking up anything else in the series or anything else of "Ms. Forrest"'s.
All opinions expressed on this blog are solely those of Mrs. W.