Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Set List by Raymond Atkins

What would the playlist of your life be?  If you had to put together a list of the songs that would define the pivotal moments in your life, what would they be?

This is the framework of one of my favorite author's newest book, Set List.

Centered around the life of the lead guitarist in a local bar band, the story alternates between the early 1970s (the band's "heyday" if one can really call it that) and the present day (a hospital room where said guitarist is recovering from a heart attack).  Each chapter is framed by one of the band's original songs and a popular rock song of the era.

If you are a fan of just about any local band, whether cover or original, or a fan of the music of the 70s, you will most definitely enjoy reading this.

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All opinions expressed on this blog are solely those of Mrs. W.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Check this out!

I'm very happy to report my blog post for the American Library Association Committee for School and Public Library Cooperation will be featured by the American Association of School Libraries, the Young Adult Library Services Association, and the Association for Library Service to Children!

Here's a link to the post from ALSC:

Friday, November 16, 2018

The Weight of Feathers by Anna Marie McLemore


I could NOT get into this, and I am so disappointed.  When a student returned this, I saw the review tagline on the front comparing it to The Night Circus, one of my favorite books (reviewed here!).  That alone made me want to read it.  Lace, the main female character performs as a mermaid (see my review of The Museum of Extraordinary Things) and the base story line is Montague versus Capulet (ala Romeo and Juliette). Sounded fantastic.

Too bad it was soooo sssslllllloooowwww to start!  I was bored.  I think this had a lot of potential, but I can't get past the opening to care about reading further.  I'm sad!

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All opinions expressed on this blog are solely those of Mrs. W.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Look for Me by Lisa Gardner

I was 93 pages into this when I realized it was a sequel.  To be honest I'm not sure if it is the 2nd or 3rd book.  I was able to read it and understand without having read the previous book(s).  However, if you've followed this blog for a while, you know I typically don't like to read books in a series as stand-alones, not do I recommend doing so for my readers.  

All that being said...

This was a fairly enjoyable mystery whodunit.  It will most definitely keep you guessing right until the very end.  It is a sad story of the failures of the foster care system, the family court system, and the justice system.  It is NOT an easy read on the emotions.

Roxy Baez takes her 2 elderly dogs for a walk.  Her mother, soon to be step-father, younger sister and brother are shot dead in their home while she is out.  Juanita Baez lost her children to foster care as an alcoholic for a year.  During that year, Roxy and Lola suffered terrible abuse in their foster home, while their brother Manny had a perfect foster family.  When the family is reunited, Juanita starts asking questions about the personality changes in her daughters.  

That's all I'm going to say because I don't want to spoil too much.

Look for this on display with our new books next week!

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All opinions expressed on this blog are solely those of Mrs. W.