I can't believe how time is flying by! Seriously, Mrs. Gardner sent out her final exams memo to teachers this week!
It's finally warming up too!
Summer is on the way!
So, with that, let's review how things are going.
I am heavy into reading the Nutmeg contenders. I read non-stop. I still have 2 to go for this rotation.
I do still plan to do "outside" reading this summer (which will be done outside LOL), meaning those that are not Nutmeg contenders. I have a few books on reserve at WHPL. I also have a goal to re-read all the books by one of my favorite authors, Raymond Atkins, and do a full write-up for here and The Rostrum. That being said, my chair said we are going to be very busy this summer.
I also got a puppy! Piper's Bounderhill Summer Shandy Calista Eagles Woychowski is 9 weeks old today and doing well. When I'm not reading, I'm cleaning up puppy messes!
We are overjoyed that our requests on donorschoose have gone through: a new book cart to replace that awful one, 6 Bluetooth speakers for the LCD projectors, and 10 novels in Spanish. We currently have a magazine rack request, so if you know someone willing to donate....
This past weekend I attended the 22nd Women's Studies at SCSU: Women, Community, and Technology. I live tweeted it.
Have any recommendations? Share!
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