Thursday, March 24, 2016

Happy News! New Stuff!

Today is a happy day in the LMC!

First, we have added all the Nutmeg contenders thus far to our collection!  I just couldn't wait to get them into your hands!  They will be on display as Books of the Week next week.
I can't show the covers or post the titles here!  Note, I'm not saying what is still in contention or what has been eliminated.  You just have to come in and see what we have!

Second, through a generous donation, we now have 6 sets of Bluetooth portable speakers!  These are available for teachers to borrow when showing a DVD or streaming media.  Thank you to our donors!

We are hoping to add to our collection with some Spanish language novels.  If you can help us out, please and thanks!

Lots of love in the LMC!

Follow me on Twitter @RamblingsLMS

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Speakers on Donors Choose

I have a Donors Choose project in progress to obtain speakers!

Can you help us out?

For the next 7 days, use code LIFTOFF and your donation will be matched!


Friday, March 11, 2016

South of the Etowah by Raymond Atkins

Hello Everyone!!!

It has been a longgggg time since I've done a review.  The Nutmegs are keeping me super busy with reading.  And I mean NONSTOP.  Every free moment has me reading those!  I will say that in this rotation, I have a new favorite book, and I think it might be an eventual nominee.  That's all I can say on that...

I've been waiting for Etowah for a while.  I pre-ordered it what seems like months ago.  I LOVED Raymond Atkins' The Front Porch Prophet.  If you happen to look at my Facebook quotes, one of them is from Prophet.  I also happen to be Atkins' friend on FB.  You see, before one had "pages" that people could "like", one only had a personal profile.  And that's how I became friends with a famous author.

What do we have in common?  Little it seems on the surface.  I'm born and raised in CT; he's from Georgia.  We're a generation apart.  At the same time though, I really get a my Dad type vibe off of him.  Those of you who knew my Dad, well, he had a warped sense of humor, a love of Southern Rock, spent eons fixing things that were always breaking in our house, and spent whatever other time he had raising 3 daughters.

This book is really not one for most of you, meaning my kids.  It's for your parents.  It's for anyone who owns a house, especially an old house like many in our community.  It's for anyone who is married or has a child getting married.  Celebrate holidays?  Go on road trips?  Atkins details the ridiculousness that is life in vignettes.  I'm fairly certain his calico porch cat was related to our calico porch cat of 21 years, Little Orphan Annie.  She was succeeded by another calico, Miss Hazel May, just like Atkins'.

I nearly peed myself in reading this.  I have a pool, a washing machine, and a dozen remote controls.  None of them work properly!

Tweet what you're reading using #whhs #read
Follow me @RamblingsLMS

We are still taking your reviews for The Westie Review in The Rostrum.  Our last issue will be published soon, so get them in!

Remember to keep informed about our Board of Education and City budget and how cuts will affect YOU! 

Views expressed on this blog are those of Mrs. Woychowski alone.    

Monday, March 7, 2016

Support Education in West Haven

Hello Readers!

I am asking my followers to attend a special Board of Education meeting on March 15th at 6 p.m. (right now scheduled for City Hall, but that may change, please check before the meeting).  The BOE has accepted Mr. Cavallaro's amended budget, a 2.97 increase that represents a "status quo" with NO LAYOFFS.  It is possible the BOE or City Council may cut this budget further.  Please attend to show your support for education in West Haven!
Thank you,
Mrs. Woychowski

Please remember that all opinions expressed on this blog are mine and mine alone.